Friday, May 25, 2012

Virtual Reality Santa in your Window

Set up is so easy! Simply hang mylar double matted material in your window, Place the virtual Santa DVD in your DVD player, plug in the projector,  face projector 6-8 six feet from your window, focus, then watch from outside and you can see that Santa is inside the house delivering toys to those children "not naughty, but nice"! 
More specifically, the video features Santa walking into a room with a bag of gifts. He pulls gifts from his bag [after checking his list -- not once, but twice]. He begins to unload gifts, right inside your house. After unloading toys, he becomes exhausted. Santa then tries to find the milk and cookies left out for him by the kiddies. He succeeds! 
Santa will occasionally come closer to the decorated window, with a lighted candle in hand, looking right out at your neighbors. While waving to your neighbors, Santa says, "Merry Christmas"! This, one of a kind, decoration video is created in a such a special manner, it forecasts a realistic 3D illusion. The video will make Santa Claus look like he is really there, rather than look like a video.

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